February 10, 2022
Board of Directors Meeting Notice
Thursday, February 10, 2022
Via Remote Zoom Meeting: Please click here to join the webinar
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Advisory Notice: In compliance with local and state shelter-in-place orders and the Brown Act (Cal. Government Code Section 54950 et seq.) as amended by AB 361 (September 16, 2021), the Agency will not offer an in-person meeting location for the public to attend this meeting. Members of the public may offer public comment remotely from a safe location as described below. Members of the Board of Directors or staff may participate in this meeting electronically or via teleconference.
How to participate remotely: Comments may be emailed to jmalcolm@marincounty.org in advance of the meeting; please write “Public Comment” in the subject line. Comments submitted at least one hour prior to the start of the meeting will be forwarded to the Board of Directors prior to the meeting start. Those received after this time will be shared with the Board members after the meeting.
The meeting will be available to the public through Zoom video conference. Those who do not have access to Zoom may access the meeting by calling one of the toll-free phone numbers below.
The Richardson’s Bay Regional Agency (RBRA) is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: RBRA Board of Directors Meeting,
Date: Thursday, February 10, 2022
Time: Open session regular meeting 5:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Webinar ID: 844 0978 0885
Please click the link to join the webinar: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84409780885
One tap mobile: (720) 707-2699 or (253) 215-8782
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/ayYK5Oc1j or https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kezyWoJ2kE
The RBRA encourages that comments be submitted in advance of the meeting. Those members of the public using the Zoom video conference function who wish to comment on an agenda item for public comment may write “I wish to comment” in the chat section of the remote meeting platform, or click on “raise hand” when that item is underway. Those members of the public attending by telephone who wish to comment should press *9 on their keypad. The Clerk will unmute the speakers one at a time at the appropriate time for public comment.
Any member of the public who needs special accommodations in advance of the public meeting to attend may email the Agency at jmalcolm@marincounty.org, or phone (415) 971-3919, and we will use our best efforts to provide assistance. If assistance is needed during the meeting, you may email jmalcolm@marincounty.org, and best efforts will be made to provide such assistance.
Please see above meeting notice information about options to comment remotely in advance, during the meeting via Zoom by writing “I wish to comment” in the chat feature, or via phone by typing *9 to raise your hand. You will be recognized to speak at the appropriate time during the agenda items.
1) Call to order and roll call.
2) Public Comment. Members of the public are welcome to address the Board for up to three minutes per speaker on matters not on the agenda. Under the Brown Act, Board members may not deliberate or take action on items not on the agenda, and generally only may listen.
3) Reports/comments:
a. Staff report(s)
i. Interim Executive Director
ii. Acting Harbormaster
RBRA-3.a.ii-Acting-Harbormasters-report.pdfb. Board Member comments.
4) Consent Agenda. The Consent Agenda reflects those agenda items with prior policy approval from the Board and/or are administrative matters. Unless any item is specifically removed by a member of the Board, staff, or public in attendance, the Consent Agenda will be adopted by one motion.
a. Approve REVISED minutes of 1/13/2022.
2022-02-10-4.a-REVISED-DRAFT-minutes-1.13.22.pdfb. Adopt Resolution 02-22 allowing, but not requiring, continued use of tele/video-conferencing for Richardson’s Bay Regional Board of Directors meetings subject to the Brown Act.
RBRA-4.b-Virtual-in-person-meetings.pdfc. DRAFT Resolution 02-22
RBRA-4.c-DRAFT-AB361-Reso.pdf5) Mid Year Budget Review
a. Receive report. Information only; receive and file.
RBRA-5.a-Midyear-budget-review.pdf6) Transition Plan 2.0 PUBLIC DRAFT
a. Receive Transition Plan 2.0 Public Draft. Recommendation: Return for second review and adoption on April 14, 2022.
RBRA-6.a-Transition-Plan-2.0-Staff-Report.pdfb. Attachment: Transition Plan 2.0 Public Draft
RBRA-6.b-Att.-Public-Draft-TP-2.0.pdf7) Establishment of 15-20 Moorings, per Settlement Agreement
a. Receive report. Recommendation: Approve proposal received from GHD, and, after due diligence, authorize Interim Executive Director to execute contract with GHD in an amount not to exceed $125,210. Additionally authorize Interim Executive Director to approve change orders in a total amount not to exceed 10% of contract cost.
RBRA-7.a-Moorings.pdfb. Attachment: GHD Proposal
RBRA-7.b-GHD-Mooring-Field-Proposal.pdfc. Attachment: GHD Cost Proposal
RBRA-7.c-GHD-Mooring-Cost-Proposal.pdfd. Attachment: Anchor QEA Proposal
RBRA-7.d-AnchorQEA-Mooring-Field-Proposal.pdfe. Attachment: Anchor QEA Cost Proposal
RBRA-7.e-AnchorQEA-Mooring-Cost-Proposal.pdf8) Staffing
a. Receive report. Recommendation: Approve RGS ‘Proposed Administration Services’ dated 2/1/2022 and RGS ‘Typical Task Listings for RGS Administration Staff’
RBRA-8.a-Staffing-RGS-Proposal.pdfb. Attachment: RGS ‘Proposed Administration Services’
RBRA-8.b-RGS-Admin-Services.pdfc. Attachment: RGS ‘Typical Task Listings for RGS Administration Staff.’
RBRA-8.c-RGS-Typical-Tasks.pdfd. Attachment: RGS ‘Agreement for Management and Administrative Services’ October 15, 2021
RBRA-8.d-RGS-RBRA-Agmt-2021-10-15.pdf9) Outreach and Education
a. Receive report. Recommendation: Approve execution of contract with Lighthouse Public Affairs, and, after due diligence, authorize the Interim Executive Director to execute a contract for said services in the amount of $7,500 per month. Additionally authorize Interim Executive Director to approve change orders in a total amount not to exceed 10% of contract cost.
RBRA-9.a-Outreach-Lighthouse.pdfb. Attachment: Interview questions and responses
AN AGENDA PACKET IS AVAILABLE AT THE RBRA WEBSITE rbra.ca.gov and at the Marin County Community Development Agency, 3501 Civic Center Dr. Room 308, San Rafael, CA 94903 (415) 971-3919 jmalcolm@marincounty.org