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Shoreline Restoration and Cleanup

Purple flowers and bird

The Richardson Bay shoreline contains varying environments, encompassing large salt marshes, beaches, and waterfront development including marinas and residences. The marshes provide an important estuarine ecosystem resource for the San Francisco Bay region. Through careful stewardship, salt marsh grasses have been expanding into areas formerly devoid of vegetation.

Regular beach clean-ups are conducted by local enviromental groups along the public shoreline utilizing volunteers from the community . When these programs were first implemented by RBRA in 1997, debris on the beaches was so extensive that dumpsters were brought in to accommodate clean-up loads. Over 200 automobile tires were removed from the mudline in the first year alone!

Over the years, ongoing partner clean-ups and reduced dumping have reduced the need for extensive clean-up. Most current efforts consist of light maintenance. It has become a relative pleasure to tour the beaches with clean-up bags in hand. The Town of Tiburon, City of Belvedere, and the Strawberry Recreation District are partners in this effort: their public works personnel clean up and dispose of the debris once it is consolidated and placed on the upland paths.

Please let RBRA staff know if you notice any debris. We depend on our community look-outs to inform us of current conditions and problems we may be able to address. In the event of a dead sea animal, we may also be able to arrange disposal.

We are all partners in stewardship. If you feel so inclined, take a trash bag to the beach some time – it is a great way to maintain and improve the environment we value, and a meaningful green pastime. You can leave the securely tied bag at any of the pathway garbage cans and it will be picked up. Also, don’t forget the annual Coastal Clean-up Day every September – it’s a great community event that culminates in a delicious barbeque at the Bay Model in Sausalito complete with live music and a raffle. Flyers and this website will announce this event ahead of time.

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