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Anchorage Transition, November 21, 2021

The Agency has initiated its Transition Plan to improve the health, safety, and management of the bay through enforcement of requirements for anchored vessels, housing relocation support, and eelgrass protection and restoration.


Vessels used as primary housing that were in the August 2019 census were able to enroll by October 15, 2020 to become eligible for deferred enforcement of the 72-hour anchorage time limits. Such vessels had until October 15, 2021 to become seaworthy and meet all other agency requirements as explained in this Transition Packet that was distributed to all eligible vessels.

The Transition Plan also calls for protecting and restoring eelgrass beds, which are critically important to the bay ecosystem. Strategies under review include establishing allowed uses and eelgrass protection measures for designated areas of the bay.

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